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5 Facts on SparkCharge from Shark Tank

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If you’re one of the millions of electric vehicle owners, then you may have run into the problem of finding a charging station. That problem is the exact one Joshua Aviv is trying to solve with his invention, SparkCharge. He’ll present his portable charging station on the Oct. 16 episode of ABC’s Shark Tank. Until then, get some more info on Joshua and his product, SparkCharge, below.

What to Know About SparkCharge

1. Joshua Aviv, along with co-founders Chris Ellis and Richard Whitney, bring a ton of credibility to the table. Josh holds a Bachelors in Economics as well as a Masters in Information Management and Data Science; both Chris and Richard hold Bachelor degrees in Electrical Engineering. Josh is CEO, Chris is Chief Technical Officer, and Richard is Chief Engineer.

2. They launched 3 years ago, and already raised over 5 million in funding. In 2018, Josh won the grand prize at 43North, a national startup competition. Safe to say they’re well on the way to success!

3. Each Spark Charge module is 8x faster than the average charging station. According to their website, their charger(s) can deliver 1 mile of charge within 60 seconds. SparkCharge comes in 3 different sizes, which allows people to customize their experience.

4. A huge part of their mission is sustainability and social impact. They want to keep their “footprint” as small as possible, and desire to change the way people think about electric vehicle travel.

5. Their next idea is an app for SparkCharge called BoostEV, which would allow for people to connect with their portable charging stations anytime, anywhere.

To see what happens, be sure to tune in to ABC’s Shark Tank on Oct. 16 at 8 PM ET.


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