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Home » 5 Facts on The Dadware Bondaroo from Shark Tank

5 Facts on The Dadware Bondaroo from Shark Tank

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One invention that’s stepping up to the Shark Tank this week is The Dadware Bondaroo. The Dadware Bondaroo is a thoughtful parenting tool that allows for dads to bond with their babies. Keep reading for 5 facts on The Dadware Bondaroo before they present to the “sharks” on Friday, May 8.

1) The Dadware Bondaroo was invented by Nick Baker after he had to assist his wife with their newborn baby in the hospital. He stepped in, removed his shirt (as babies need skin-to-skin contact), and held their daughter against his chest while his wife recuperated.

2) The product is an actual piece of clothing that fathers can wear, and it features a velcro closure, which allows the shirt to open and close easily. It’s designed to be comfortable for dads, while also serving the purpose of “active bonding” with their infant.

3) The Dadware LLC brand has an Instagram account with over 7,000 followers. They post just about every day, and are constantly utilizing relevant hashtags to stay on trend in their category.

4) As of now, The Dadware Bondaroo comes in two colors: navy and charcoal. Their sizes range from small (S) to a double extra large (XXL).

5) The Dadware Bondaroo’s Amazon reviews are awesome, with customers saying it’s “perfect for new dads” and “a great way to bond” with their baby. Here’s hoping Nick can snag a shark that thinks so too!

Where Can You Buy Dad Bondaroo?

The ‘Shark Tank’ line is available on with prime shipping!

We wish Nick and his Dadware Bondaroo the best of luck as they step into the Shark Tank on Friday, May 8. The episode will air at 8 PM ET on ABC.


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